Friday, May 20, 2016

Five Feminist Finds: What You Missed This Week (5/13-5/20)

1. Girls Can't Code Because, You Know, Boobs.  (And Other Myths) - A hilariously satirical backlash on the ridiculous stereotypes facing women who code. 

2. UnSafe Sex Threatens Girls' Health Worldwide - An open look at why unsafe sex is the number one health risk for women across the globe, and how feminism can help. 

3. Egypt's Women Keep Showing Power in Protest - An expose on Egyptian women fighting for democracy despite personal danger.

4. When Will The Internet Be Safe For Women? - One woman works to stop sexist cyber attacks on other females.

5. Fresh Juice - Artist Stephanie Sarley reimagines erotic touch using intimate photos of fruit.


  1. Great post, very thought provoking! xx

  2. I'll have to read all of these. Thanks for sharing!

